Staying the Course Towards Excellence
TRIM. It's a wonderful nautical term that fittingly describes Sea Bags. Here is the definition: The condition of a vessel that is loaded and balanced properly so that she floats correctly on her waterline.
TRIM - One simple word that implies stability, seaworthiness, staying on course. Again, fitting words that describe the success of a Maine company that remains an integral part of Portland's working waterfront and still surrounded by lobster boats, a fish market and seafood restaurants. Our working space has expanded on Custom House Wharf but the smell of the ocean water still seeps up through the floorboards. With over 140 employees, 18 retail stores and growing, we remain firmly anchored to our mission and core principles: made in Maine, staying green in product and practice, and giving back to the community. The cornerstones of our business are unbreakable and the reasons why our leaders and employees strive for excellence together.
For staying the course, we have been named one of the "best of the best" businesses in Maine.
At a Blaine House reception Tuesday, December 18th, Sea Bags was awarded the Governor's Award for Business Excellence. It is one of the highest honors a Maine company can receive. Governor Paul LePage congratulated us for the quality of our workmanship, our loyal and dedicated workforce and giving back to our community. "It's been an honor to annually recognize the best of the best here in Maine, businesses that clearly go above and beyond normal day to day operations. I thank them for doing business in our state and for setting the bar high."
We were also recognized for our company's "solid leadership and direction." Don Oakes, CEO of Sea Bags accepted the prestigious award and was joined by Beth Greenlaw, President, and CFO, Bill McGonagle. "As Maine natives, it is very satisfying for us to be a part of a growing success story right here at home, one that has been built by Maine people," said Don Oakes. "I'm grateful for our talented crew at Sea Bags whose hard work and commitment have made this award possible."
Receiving the Governor's Award for Business Excellence and being recognized as "best of the best" businesses in Maine is an extraordinary honor. Staying the course and 'floating correctly on the waterline' remain a constant as we chart Sea Bag's course for 2019.
Watch below for CEO Don Oakes' remarks at the ceremony.
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