We're very excited to bring back tanbark bags. We find very few of these used sails, and it has taken over five years to gather a supply of tanbark large enough to create a new collection. This colorful little bag has an equally colorful story. In the days when only natural materials were available to make sails, sail makers would dip sails in a tanning solution made from tree bark. The process helped protect them from the environment and, as a by-product, stained the sails a distinctive red-brown color. This dramatic bag features an artful illustration of one of the most mysterious creatures of the sea. Slim in design, this bag will help you with hands-free mobility and nautical style. Printed on recycled sail cloth. Please note: slight variations in color may exist due to the rarity of tanbark sail.
Handcrafted from recycled sail cloth on the working waterfront in Portland, Maine, USA